Karachi police have detained two suspects in connection with the rape and murder of seven-year-old Sarim, whose body was found in an underground water tank 11 days after he went missing.The suspects ...
KARACHI: The parents of Sarim, who was found dead in a water tank 11 days after he went missing, staged a protest sit-in on the main road of North ...
KARACHI: Police took two into custody on Thursday in a case pertaining to the alleged rape and murder of Sarim, who was found dead in a water tank 11 days ...
Seven-year-old Sarim was subjected to rape and murder according to initial reports from police surgeon. The revelation has emerged in the case of Sarim, a resident of North Karachi apartment building, ...
A post-mortem report has confirmed that 7-year-old Sarim was raped and murdered, with his body dumped in a water tank in Karachi.
The investigation into the kidnapping, rape, and murder of a seven-year-old boy, Sarim, in North Karachi has been handed back ...
New CCTV footage reveals couple thought to have kidnapped the boys was in fact taking their own children to clinic.
Mohammed Sarim, 7, whose body was recovered from an underground water tank of his family apartment in North Karachi 11 days after his disappearance, was subjected to sexual assault ...
The cameras showed the suspect riding a bike while carrying the newborn. Video evidence was shared with the relevant police, ...
KARACHI: The body of seven-year-old Mohammed Sarim was found in the underground water tank of his apartment complex, ...
KARACHI: The post-mortem examination of Sarim, a young boy whose body was discovered in an underground water tank near his ...
KARACHI: In an important development in the case of Sarim, who was “murdered” after being kidnapped in port city, the CIA ...