A heavy pause hung over the crowd in Loudon Elementary School. People shifted in their seats, waiting for the next words out ...
A new Ladder 6 is coming soon to the Ensley Station of Escambia County Fire Rescue (Station 6). Crews have spent the last several days undergoing orientation training on the new 100-foot aerial. The ...
The Pierre Volunteer Fire Department is getting a new ladder truck, but it’ll take a while for it to get here. At the March ...
Andrew Jackson was president and David G. Yuengling founded Eagle Brewery when Phoenix Hook and Ladder and Humane Fire Co. No. 1 were formed in 1829. Founded when the Borough of Pottsville was only ...
The eight grant applications, which combined to just under $10 million, were all approved by the city council.
Phoenix, originally Schuylkill Hydraulian, would use horse-drawn equipment for 90 years before getting its first motorized fire truck, a 75-foot long American LaFrance aerial ladder truck in 1919.