Beware the Ides of March? Charles A. Dana Professor of English Emerita Cynthia Lewis explores how prophets in Shakespeare's ...
Roman proconsul Julius Caesar conducts a series of military ... A Crowning MomentIn 44 B.C. Mark Antony presented Caesar a crown at Rome’s Temple of Castor and Pollux. Despite rejecting Antony ...
Antony reveals his true feelings about Brutus, Cassius, and the rest of the group that killed Caesar - they are traitors and should be viewed as such. Julius Caesar's popularity soars when he ...
We need not see our modern-day Julius or Jesus dead to fight for him as if he were. Today’s authoritarian leaders project the ...
Brutus, Cassius, and other high-ranking Romans murder Caesar, because they believe his ambition will lead to tyranny. The people of Rome are on their side until Antony, Caesar's right-hand man ...
One of these was led by his great-uncle, Julius Caesar. Then Augustus got a lucky ... Claiming the throne He formed a strategic alliance with Marc Antony, a successful and ambitious general.
That resulted in the ascension of Mark Antony and Octavius Caesar to rule ... let us beware of the problems Shakespeare showed in his Julius Caesar. Its cautionary tale for republics we should ...
Or less so? Chinna Wodu:Brutus's version was 'Caesar's assassination for dummies'. Gbolahan ObisesanRight. Chinna Wodu:And Antony's version is actually, I think you're intelligent enough to think ...
In the middle of the civil war that would bring him to power, Julius Caesar ... returned to Egypt as Caesar’s great-nephew and heir, Augustus, teamed up with Marc Antony and Lepidus to fight ...
Julius Caesar:What is now amiss ... Caius Cassius:Where is Antony? Trebonius:Fled to his house amazed. Men, wives, and children stare, cry out, and run as it were doomsday. Marcus Brutus:Fates ...
Antony delivers his famous speech to the people ... the good Caesar has done and encourages them to mourn for him. Julius Caesar's popularity soars when he returns to Rome victorious after ...