When you think about the biggest action stars of the 1980s, the top two, without question, are Sylvester Stallone and Arnold ...
From their 1980s action-movie ascendance onward, Sylvester Stallone and Arnold Schwarzenegger earned their iconic star status ...
One of my favorite Sylvester Stallone interviews is his 1977 conversation with Barry Norman. In the interview, Stallone comes ...
GQ interview, Sylvester Stallone recalled how, in the early 2000s, he found himself trapped in a "generational vortex." After ...
Arnold Schwarzenegger is considered one ... Arnold has shared roles with many and varied actors. Cases such as Sylvester Stallone or Jean Claude Van Damme, among many others, but when it comes ...
Sylvester Stallone has starred in some great movies, but like any Hollywood mainstay, he's also been in a few stinkers. One ...
Statham's resume proves this, as he has often starred alongside iconic 80s action stars, from Sylvester Stallone to Arnold Schwarzenegger ... movie stars that inspired Jason Statham to become an ...
Emil Rottmayer (Arnold Schwarzenegger ... that framed each actor as the other’s natural Hollywood rival? (By now you get the picture… and you already know the answer.) Stallone plays Ray ...