Foes, and The Juggernaut are some of the iconic Marvel villains that Mark Ruffalo's Hulk must one day face in the MCU.
The Hulk was once defeated in one punch by the monstrous gamma-villain Madman, brother of Bruce Banner's archenemy the Leader.
Samuel Sterns (Tim Blake Nelson) was teased as the villainous Marvel Comics villain the Leader towards the climax of The Incredible Hulk back in 2008. But it took 17 years for them to pay it off ...
He first appeared in The Incredible Hulk #1 ... In his earliest appearances, the Red Hulk was definitely a villain. Aside from murdering Abomination and Wendigo, he fought both Hulk and Thor.
Throughout The Incredible Hulk, Bruce Banner (then portrayed by ... a tale that pits the Hulk against Spider-Man villain the Chameleon. The Leader lurks in the background, setting the Chameleon ...