Peace Prize laureate(s) will be announced on Friday, Oct 10, followed by award ceremony on Dec 10 in Oslo, Norway ...
Reinforcement learning pioneers Andrew Barto and Richard Sutton receive the Turing Award for revolutionizing AI innovation ...
"With the honorary doctorate of the University of Vienna, Emmanuelle Charpentier receives a highly deserved award from the ...
Author Abdulrazak Gurnah was a surprise winner of the Nobel prize for his multigenerational saga of displacement and loss ...
Formal recognition by the Nobel Committees for Peace and Science will ensure scientific excellence and as a pillar of free, ...
Global education advocate and Nobel Peace Prize nominee, Zuriel Oduwole is set to speak at the Sterling Leadership Series ...
After two co-authors of the article that won the BIAL Award in Biomedicine 2021 were later honoured with the Nobel Prize in Medicine ... to the mission of the BIAL Foundation: to identify the ...