Peanuts! Get your peanuts here! The solar system has been passing out peanuts lately in the form of two different oddly shaped asteroids that recently passed by Earth, and both look like over-sized ...
Now, a Kobe University researcher has realized that the axis of the Solar System’s biggest moon has shifted as a result of ...
Rochette later received samples from the site in question, and found that at least one contained zircon, a mineral that undergoes transformation in the event of a meteor impact. "It could tell us ...
After analyzing samples from the site, Rochette detected a mineral called zircon, which shifts in form after events such as meteor impacts. While more work needs to be done, Rochette was quick to ...
Debris from the impact of NASA's DART spacecraft with the asteroid Dimorphos could reach Earth and Mars, astronomers have concluded. However, while the debris could result in meteors on Mars ...
It’s extremely unlikely that a massive asteroid will strike Earth anytime ... originally earned Apophis a Level 4 on the Torino impact hazard scale, the highest ever recorded.
NASA wanted to see whether a kinetic impact — such as crashing a spacecraft into an asteroid at 13,645 miles per hour (6.1 kilometers per second) — would be enough to change the motion of a ...
The findings rely on improved Martian physics modeling, which is key to understanding the ejection process resulting from an asteroid impact. Researchers combined this better understanding of ...
The Ordovician impact spike was previously thought to have been caused by the breakup of a large asteroid in the belt between Mars and Jupiter. However, all 21 of the craters are located within 30 ...
Researchers from the European Centre for Research and Teaching in Environmental Geosciences (CEREGE) are currently assessing the site to determine if it is indeed a meteorite impact crater.
a mineral that undergoes transformation in the event of a meteor impact. More research is being done to find more definitive answers about the potentially rare discovery. MOM, SON DIG UP ANCIENT ...