Sarah Hamilton, the owner of the Trail Center Lodge in Grand Marais, filmed a lynx pacing along the property’s snowy deck on ...
Rare footage shows Yellowstone’s Wapiti Lake wolf pack successfully hunting a bison in the deep snows of Hayden Valley.
Spiders have always lived alongside humans, so it’s surprising how much we still don’t know about them. One long-standing mystery was related to how spiders detect smells. Now, our latest ...
‘Pride in Battle’ is the epic story of the rapidly growing Xakanaxa pride as it battles to survive through one of the Okavango’s harshest winters. Twenty-one adults and cubs now make up the ...
Interview - Eyewitness cannot believe what she sees EPISODE SYNOPSIS It’s a horrific scene: a mother leopard watches helplessly over her paralysed cub before eventually eating it. In this video ...
Mother Eats Her Baby EPISODE SYNOPSIS A young leopard cub’s grim fate is sealed when it is paralysed – possibly in a skirmish with other predators. The injury is fatal and things turn even ...
Venom, and the means by which animals dish it out, is wildly diverse and infinitely fascinating. Some sting, others bite, a few have venomous spikes, and then there's that elite group of animal ...
Homosexual Giraffes Do What Comes Naturally EPISODE SYNOPSIS At any moment in time, one in every 20 male giraffes can be found amorously necking with another male. Or so says one study into ...
Fur seals fight over newborn pup EPISODE SYNOPSIS Every December to January, fur seal colonies welcome their newest members...but for newborn seal pups, life is hard from the get-go. Our camera ...
Lion mating ritual up close EPISODE SYNOPSIS It's not a behaviour often captured on film, but the Earth Touch crew recently got the chance to film African lions mating in the wild! When it comes ...
Lions Eat Elephant Alive EPISODE SYNOPSIS This disturbing video of a young elephant calf being eaten alive by lions was filmed in Botswana. Lions do not usually prey on elephants, but an extreme ...