What’s it about? Need an academic reboot? Lost confidence in supervisions? Struggling to improve your essays? Don’t know where to start with a big project? Come along to our academic drop-in session ...
Who’s it for? Students considering taking on a leadership or welfare role in the MCR, JCR, volunteering as a peer mentor within your department or another leadership position. What’s it about? This ...
What’s it about? This session will include a panel of students who have successfully organised their own internships who will share their advice and experience. The session will also cover how to ...
Fitzwilliam is a fantastic place to work and over 200 academic and non-academic staff members live and work around the College site. Fitz is a welcoming, supportive community, situated 10 mins walk ...
This year we will be running essay competitions in Ancient World and Classics, Archaeology, Economics, Land Economy, Medieval World and Slavonic Studies. Further particulars and this year's questions ...
On this page you will find a repository of public documents and policies relating to the College's activities. If you are a current member of College, further information is available in MyFitz.
Whether you are just starting to explore your options and would like some general information about student life at Fitz, or whether you have specific questions about a particular course, you're in ...
Davide is an Assistant Professor of Economic Geography at the Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, a Fellow at Cambridge Centre for Environment, Energy and Natural Resource Governance, ...
Director of Research and Emeritus Professor of Materials Chemistry, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, University of Cambridge. Derek Fray FRS, FREng was educated at Imperial College (BSc ...
Professor Ianthi Maria Tsimpli is Chair of English and Applied Linguistics at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics. She ...
David Hardman is a Henslow Research Fellow at Fitzwilliam College, and an EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellow at the Department of Engineering. His research tackles the challenges involved in equipping robots ...
Prof. Gathercole's first degree was in Classics and Theology in Cambridge, after which he pursued doctoral research under the supervision of James D.G. Dunn in Durham. He also studied for short ...