Webbed feet are extremely common in these parts and a carnival is held every year where they burn a resident from nearby Trelewis and feed the remains to their kids. WARNING: Do not enter these parts ...
The future of Oakwood Theme Park has taken another twist as planners put forward a new plan to turn the venue into a Chernobyl Danger Zone reenactment site. Plans for the site to be reopened as World ...
Newport Council workers have filled in the Brynglas Tunnels with cement in a bid to piss off England fans who are heading to the Six Nations game this weekend. Workers were spotted filling the tunnels ...
US Vice-President Trumple Thinskin has announced a 400% tariff on Clark’s pies that are exported to the US. The tangerine shitgibbon made the announcement during another round of golf in retaliation ...
The defunct tolls at the Severn Bridges will be reinstated this weekend, just to annoy the army of travelling English fans heading for the game with Wales. There will also be a premium toll for anyone ...
Schoolchildren across Wales will soon be savouring one of the country’s most-loved desserts when pink custard is reintroduced to school lunchtime menus. Pink custard was removed from school dinners ...
The World of Greggs Theme Park would include rides such as the Steak Bake Spinner and the Sausage Roll Tunnel of Love. Glenn ‘Wibbly Wobbly’ Webbley, director of the consortium leading the project, ...
A new political party that has launched in Wales is hoping take Wales back to its glory days and to Make Wales Ok(ish) Again. The Wales First Street Defence Force Group plans to bring back Arfon ...
New Tesla vehicles are to be fitted with blacked out windows as standard, following pressure from drivers who have been embarrassed to drive them. Popularity of the electric cars have taken a nosedive ...
Wales is secetly being spied on thanks to a network of fake daffodils, according to an intelligence report published yesterday. M-Dai-5, Wales’s intelligence agency, has reported that at least 40% of ...
A woman from Trebanog has expressed her disappointment at not getting a Valentine’s Day card after telling her husband not to get her a Valentine’s Day card. Ethel Undergunt told her husband not get ...