Letter: I was saddened to read that Robbin Danko was killed by a falling tree while she was walking on the rail trail in ...
On Thursday morning, along a portion of Seventh Avenue SE, the long arm of a Sennebogen reached up to top of an ash tree, ...
Crews on Friday morning were busy removing ash trees in Burlington’s South End. City Arborist VJ Comai says about nine ...
EUGENE, Ore. — An attack by an insect not even half an inch long is threatening to decimate the state's Ash trees. Oregon ...
A National Trust team has planted 1,300 trees to restore a landscape devastated by a fungal disease. Parts of Ickworth Estate near Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk have been affected by ash dieback disease, ...
Drivers will face a day time road closure in Back O'Hill Road as work gets set to begin to remove diseased Ash trees from the ...
Channel 13 heard from viewers upset about ash tree removals on medians at Bonanza Road between Valley View and Twin Lakes. The City of Las Vegas says the area is getting a landscaping makeover.
Woe to the Callery pear, possibly the most unloved fruit-bearing tree this side of the Garden of Eden. Sales of this Asian native and its best-known cultivar, the Bradford pear, have been banned in ...
Seeing blue dots, red Xs, orange circles, and purple bands on trees and wondering what they mean? Here's what we found out ...
With no trees, undergrowth, or official state designation, this underrated spot in Wyoming is famous for 50 million other ...
Researchers from the University of Utah found that when trees are lost to pests, disease, or development, school attendance ...
Creating a garden or yard focused on native plants will help avoid water waste and other issues. Here's what you need to know ...