Apex predators attract a special kind of fascination; also called "super predators," they sit at the top of the food chain, unquestionably the most dominant members of the animal kingdom.
Placer County introduces raptor perches to control voles in Roseville parks, aiding local ecology and reducing complaints.
Outdoor cats enjoy scratching their nails on a variety of natural surfaces, such as tree trunks. The bark offers the optimal surface to help cats shed old claw sheaths. Other objects they may scratch ...
Bits of a gnawed-up tennis ball, or even the shredded fuzzy exterior, are choking hazards. Take care to prevent your dog from ...
The Hadzabe of Tanzania, untouched by modern life, still thrive as one of the world's few remaining hunter-gatherer ...
Blue jay bird is one of the magnificent birds, intelligent and full of life, possessing the power of provoking attention.
As American crocodile populations have risen in recent decades, the threatened reptiles have made there way into suburban ...
NEWS - Commissioned by the municipality of Waalre, work has started this month in the forests of Waalre, north of the ...
AI to enhance law enforcement efficiency, has unveiled its list of the Top 10 victims of AI deepfakes in 2024. From ...
A cygnet was rescued by the RSPCA after becoming trapped in ice on the Leeds and Liverpool Canal in Lancashire during the ...
Scottish farmers battle sea eagles, lynx releases and rewilding projects. Is the government doing enough to protect rural livelihoods and farming?