Nearly three quarters of patients with CPP who had symptoms like falls or large fiber neuropathy had a neurological disorder.
Patients suffering from chronic pain in the face, mouth or jaw can now download a self-help guide proven to benefit them in ...
Chronic pain often leads to extreme fatigue, draining individuals of energy and motivation. This persistent pain can ...
Chronic pain can be complex and has many causes. It includes illness, injury, or a long-term condition, according to the Centers for Disease Control and ...
Doctors sometimes turn to antidepressants as a means of easing older people's physical pain, but a new expert review ...
Women living with chronic pain face medical gender bias and high levels of discrimination in the workplace, according to new ...
Patients suffering from chronic pain in the face, mouth or jaw can download a self-help guide proven to benefit them in ...
Chronic pain can have an impact on everyday living, mental stability, and physical health. In addition to standard therapies ...
Sickle cell disease causes severe pain that’s hard to treat, but researchers are finding new ways to offer relief ...
Did you know that roughly 20% of the population deals with chronic pain? Experts are weighing in on different options for ...
In a UK Biobank study, CMM risk increased with the number of chronic pain sites, and having more pain sites increased risk of T2D, IHD, and stroke.
New research has shown that patients who regularly take paracetamol may face an increased risk of certain deadly diseases ...