Virtual yoga can be a successful and accessible way to manage chronic low back pain -- a common ailment with major ...
Over 60% of patients at the Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans experience both chronic pain and mental ...
When healthcare providers devalue the pain of marginalized people, it results in inadequate and sometimes life-threatening ...
Virtual yoga classes significantly reduced chronic low back pain intensity and improved back-related function in health ...
Chronic pain—defined as daily or significant pain that lasts more than three months—can be complicated to diagnose and treat.
Researchers found that a 12-week therapeutic virtual yoga program for chronic low back pain can be a feasible, safe and effective treatment option.
Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey shows that US patients with obesity are at significantly high risk of experiencing chronic pain.
In teenagers with childhood-onset chronic pain unrelated to chronic disease, poor sleep quality and depression were risk factors for substance use in young adulthood.
Christina Applegate opened up about the pain associated with her multiple sclerosis battle on her "MeSsy" podcast.
The Injustice Experience Questionnaire consistently measured perception of the injustice of chronic pain across gender, racial, and ethnic minority.
A recent study found that patients’ perioperative pain experience was a better predictor of chronic postsurgical pain than acute pain intensity.
A new study has uncovered a surprisingly powerful tool that could help couples dealing with physical pain and disability - dyadic coping.