In autoimmune Type 1 diabetes (T1D), immune cells infiltrate and destroy the islets ... We further find that the extra-islet space of lobules with extensive islet-infiltration differs from the ...
Barlow and coauthors utilized the high-parameter imaging platform of CODEX to characterize the cellular composition of immune cells in situ from ... including within islets that peri-islet ...
In contrast to T1D, enteroviral infiltration is not a pathological feature of T2D ... The number of virus-infected cells and number of islets and immune cells were counted manually throughout the ...
Immune cells that eat bacteria in the body don't stash them in specialized compartments as once thought, but turn them into critical nutrients that build proteins, create energy and keep the cells ...
Subscribe for FREE The currently approved islet-transplant method infuses islets into a vein in the liver. This invasive procedure requires the long-term use of immune-suppressing drugs to prevent ...
These factors prompted research into better and more permanent treatments for T1D. The most ... furthers the need for immune suppression to prevent the transplants from being rejected. In Deng’s ...
The pancreatic islet is the only human tissue that produces insulin in response to rising blood glucose levels. In type 1 diabetes, the immune system attacks and slowly destroys these islets ...
The diagnosis of celiac disease in patients with T1D is challenging due to the common asymptomatic or oligosymptomatic presentation and fluctuating antibody levels. Researchers conducted this ...
Immune cells that eat bacteria in the body don't stash them in specialized compartments as once thought, but turn them into critical nutrients that build proteins, create energy and keep the cells ...