Coming out of the Carthage Board of Commissioner’s Saturday budget retreat, the board voted at its Monday night meeting to ...
Andrew Jackson was president and David G. Yuengling founded Eagle Brewery when Phoenix Hook and Ladder and Humane Fire Co. No. 1 were formed in 1829. Founded when the Borough of Pottsville was only ...
Given the oppressive conditions under which they lived and worked, it’s hard to imagine how 19th Century Irish immigrants had time to volunteer as firefighters. Yet they did, according to firefighting ...
On Dec. 8, 1888, a group of men met in a schoolhouse on Willis Avenue to discuss the formation of a volunteer fire department ...
From 1889 to 1912, the East Williston Fire Department was a volunteer company whose members owned the buildings and properties.
A heavy pause hung over the crowd in Loudon Elementary School. People shifted in their seats, waiting for the next words out ...
Since this change began on February 18th, the average staffing level has been around 85 firefighters. That's about two fire trucks of firefighters not on duty.
The town of Waynesville has appointed Chris Mehaffey as its new fire chief, succeeding the long-standing Chief Joey Webb.
CAPE JOHN – Two fishermen wondered about the future the day after fire devastated the Cape John Crabs and Seafood plant.
The department bought a used ladder truck from another city to keep ... In Los Angeles, records show that the city’s fire department has long aimed to have 90 percent of its fleet ready for ...