Scientists say that officials from the National Institutes of Health urged them to remove references to mRNA vaccine technology ...
NIH officials also told a senior NIH-funded vaccine scientist in New York state, who does not conduct mRNA vaccine research ...
For centuries, women faced seemingly insurmountable barriers to entering medicine and science, and were relegated to roles as caregivers rather than ...
Dr Virginia Apgar (1909-1974) devised the world-famous Apgar Score which is a quick way for doctors and midwives to evaluate the health of all newborn babies. The test is done to determine whether a ...
Nobel Laureate and University of Chicago professor Jack Szostak delivered two lectures on the origin of life to an audience of professors, graduate, and undergraduate students the Monday and Tuesday ...
“The world is being inundated by the brazen conviction that power can do anything, justice nothing,” the man who had spent ...
Applications for the 2026 Vilcek Foundation Prizes for Creative Promise in Biomedical Science are being accepted now through June 9, 2025. These $50,000 prizes are given each year to three early- to ...