Companies spend millions developing logos to represent a brand. Some of them have hidden meanings steeped in the history and mission behind the product.
An illustration of a magnifying glass. An illustration of a magnifying glass.
One of our operatives heard from a source north of the border, however, that Underwood may not be all he's cracked up to be. "He comes from Belleville, Mich., and first of all there have been a ...
The flow of data across international borders creates jurisdictional challenges, as the data itself and the person generating it may be subject to different countries’ laws. International ...
The forecast says that later spring and summer flowers will have "more room to flourish" if precipitation continues falling, including the firewheel or purple horsemint. "Last fall’s drought ...
Meta has ditched the pink/purple hued design it introduced in 2020 and replaced it with a more boring version. The new design looks similar to previous all blue Messenger logos, which may be part ...
Bozoma Saint John, Dorit Kemsley, Erika Jayne, Garcelle Beauvais, Kyle Richards, and Sutton Stracke, as well as Season 14 friends, Jennifer Tilly and Kathy Hilton, gathered together last week to ...
While Shep Rose sometimes experiences ups and downs in his friendships with the Southern Charm crew, it seems it's always smooth sailing when it comes to his close-knit bond with his family. In ...
Earlier in the day, Jordan Brand dropped an ad that shows a purple and gold Koenigsegg Regera — which, the company stated in a press release, is “one of Luka’s favorite cars” — with ...