Haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) occurs when there is transplacental passage of maternal immunoglobulin G ...
• Ultrasound guidance may lead to a higher first-attempt success rate and improved time to successful common femoral artery (CFA) access, while reducing the venipuncture rate (unintentionally ...
A bioengineer highlights the potential of low-intensity ultrasound for multiple uses, from enhanced drug delivery to the ...
The automated system, which helps cancer detection in dense breast tissue, can advance breast cancer screening pathways.
A man went to the hospital several times with gut pain and a fever — and it turned out that his relatively common symptoms ...
A Florida man in his 70s developed a rare Brucella suis bacterial infection from handling and eating feral pig meat, which ...
A woman made a shocking discovery after getting a largely unprompted full-body MRI scan through the company Prenuvo. As ...