Discover the causes behind fatty liver disease, a condition affecting 25% of adults worldwide, and learn simple lifestyle ...
Otherwise, it would lead to diseases like acute (sudden) hepatitis (inflammation), chronic (long duration) hepatitis, fatty ...
The liver is essential for digestion, metabolism, detoxification, and fluid regulation. While alcohol abuse is a known cause ...
The problem of fatty liver can be cured to a great extent by changing diet and lifestyle. Liver health starts improving with ...
Maternal diet, excess bile acid and liver disease - Moms who eat a high-fat, high-sugar diet during pregnancy can increase ...
A recent study found that 80% of Indian IT professionals have fatty liver due to a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, and work ...
beer contains about 14 grams of alcohol,” the reported added. Fatty liver disease can also result from causes other than alcohol use or cardiometabolic risk factors. “For example, various ...
The deadly Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is reaching epidemic proportions in India, with three out of 10 adults and ...
However, fatty liver disease can also develop in those who ... These include excess body weight (obesity), which is one of the main causes of fat buildup in the liver. People with metabolic ...
NAFLD has several common symptoms, three of which appear on the skin. These include jaundice, where the skin and eyes turn yellow, your skin becoming itchy, and skin bruising easily.