An orphaned cougar cub from California will soon be making his way to the Birmingham Zoo in early April. The Wojciechowski ...
Spruce, an orphaned cougar cub at the Oakland Zoo in California, will be making his way to the Birmingham Zoo in the coming weeks to join a female cub in the new cougar habitat that opened on March ...
Last week, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources announced that two cougar cubs were photographed by an Ontonagon County resident, marking the first confirmed sighting of cougars in Michigan in ...
After cougar cubs were verified in March in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, biologists say it's only a matter of time before the ...
Cougar cubs were recently spotted in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, becoming the first verified cougar cub sighting in over ...
State biologists on Wednesday, March 12, confirmed the existence of two cougar cubs on private land in Ontonagon County in ...
With the first confirmed cougar cubs in over a century and a past sighting in Clinton Township, could Michigan’s big cats be ...
Back on March 6th, it was confirmed by biologists that two cougar cubs that they guessed were somewhere between seven and ...
Two mountain lion cubs have been photographed in Michigan, a state where the big cats were hunted to near extinction and their young haven’t been seen in the wild in ...
It’s pretty exciting, considering this could be the first known cougar reproduction in modern times in the western Great ...
Two kittens, believed to be between 7 and 9 weeks old, were photographed by a motorist in the western Upper Peninsula ...