A man from Blackpool who "went 13 years without a decent night's sleep" due to insomnia and restless leg syndrome says he ...
If that sounds familiar, you may be dealing with restless legs syndrome (RLS). Luckily, a few simple restless leg syndrome ...
Getting a headache and feeling sick are common side-effects for many medicines. Indulging in risky sexual behaviour or ...
Indulging in risky sexual behavior or pathological gambling—not so common. But a BBC investigation has highlighted that some ...
A BBC report reveals that women prescribed drugs for Restless Leg Syndrome experienced drastic changes in behaviour.
Patients who were prescribed drugs for restless legs syndrome (RLS) have said doctors did not warn them about significant ...
The effectiveness of cannabis on three common sleep disorders—insomnia, restless legs syndrome, or sleep apnea.
The medicines — known as dopamine agonists — interact with parts of the brain that control movement, helping to ease restless leg syndrome, which is thought to impact one in 10 people in the UK.