Bulldogs will take their ELA tests in their L&L classes this week. We will be on the following bell schedule Tuesday-Friday. Tuesday & Thursday are ODD periods and Wednesday & Friday are EVEN periods.
Student's Most Current Immunization Record - NOTE - If your child requires additional vaccinations prior to the start of the school year, please upload the most recent copy of your child's ...
Documents Departments Business Services Bids - Open 24-009 El Segundo Unified School District Office Modernization – Phase II ...
El Segundo, CA – Dr. Jason Johnson has been selected as the next Superintendent to lead the El Segundo Unified School District (ESUSD). The ESUSD Board of Education followed a rigorous selection ...
The SARC Report gives a snapshot view of student demographics, teacher qualifications, test scores, school finances, parent involvement and school climate for each school site.
The El Segundo Unified School District is collecting stories from individuals who met their spouse or significant other during their time in our schools! Select stories may be fea... The Board of ...
The following Rubrics are used to guide students in their classroom efforts. Rubrics detail the benchmark expectations for student assignments and help clarify for students the rationale for the mark ...
All Athletes must check in using the following Google Form as part of their Period 6 attendance requirements: ...
Parents can access CAASPP test results in the parent portal. There is a link named "Score Reports" on the navigation menu. 1) Click "Score Reports" 2) Use the dropdowns to choose the "Assessment" and ...