The government has announced £5 billion cuts in a planned reform of the social security system. We are incredibly concerned ...
Every Recovery and Outcomes Group has an engaging agenda that includes presentations by people living in services together with staff, and interactive discussions to maximise participation and ...
We are witnessing a mental health crisis among children and young people in England. The government’s existing pledges around children and young people’s mental health show that it recognises the ...
In early 2023, we launched our Learning and Insights project to find out more about the experiences of peer support workers within Rethink Mental Illness services. The findings of this project are ...
This report looks at key areas of the benefits process that can cause severe distress for people. The DWP has been found to negatively impact people’s wellbeing, causing severe anxiety and distress, ...
Read our general election manifesto which outlines the three key issues we believe the next government must address for people severely affected by mental illness - these are creating a ...
We call for the immediate reform of Community Treatment Orders based on recommendations from the Independent Review and an eventual end to their use. We understand that CTOs in some cases have ...