“The Annihilation of Fish” was written by Anthony Winkler, produced by Paul Heller and Kris Dodge, edited by Nancy Richardson ...
Our guide on the five best sci-fi thrillers movies to stream now, and you can find them on services like Netflix, Peacock, ...
The Annihilation of Fish' disappeared after just one bad review, but it might finally be redeemed after nearly three decades.
Section 31,” a new movie streaming Friday on Paramount+, is pretty much the “Star Trek” version of “Suicide Squad” as a group ...
But sometimes, there comes along a movie that combines the expansive vision of sci-fi with the heart-stopping terror of ...
Within the first five minutes of “Inheritance,” Maya (Phoebe Dynevor) has stolen a bottle of tequila, gone home with a ...
The long-awaited arrival of Nova in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is upon us, and while James Gunn chose not to introduce ...
We have some huge new details on Marvel Television's possible Nova plans, including a "young and sexy" approach to the series ...
With rumours swirling about Marvel Studios' plans for a Nova TV series, we're looking at more than half a dozen actors we ...