Calvin and Hobbes have probably the best friendship in comics history, and some strips reflect that better than others. Here ...
Gallery 1988 has released a collection of prints and original artwork from its “Back to 1985” pop culture art exhibit ...
Below are some comic strip and cartoon books scheduled for March 2025 release (or so). Images and links from a variety of ...
in some cases even as their health-care and long-term care systems collapsed on their heads and their “pandemic preparedness” folders turned out to contain nothing but some old Calvin and ...
In the category of nothing new under the sun, book banning has become a thing again. It happens on a regular basis, usually when ultra-conservative politicians have gotten into office. Most of the ...
Outside are shelves of comic books and a bicycle rack with hand-painted representations of Calvin, Hobbes and Marsupilami. In the window display is a cardboard cutout of Tintin and Snowy ...
A little rudeness and disrespect can elevate a meaningless interaction to a battle of wills and add drama to an otherwise dull day,” said the Calvin and Hobbes comic strip in 1992.
Wright’s work also dabbles in nostalgia. One shelf is devoted to his take on classic characters from his favorite media, including Calvin and Hobbes, Wallace and Gromit, Statler and Waldorf from “The ...