Learn about the increased pressure in the portal vein, its causes like cirrhosis, and resulting complications such as ...
Dato’ Dr Azmi Baharudin, Director of Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz UKM (HCTM), shared that HCTM is the first government ...
In the early stages, fatty liver may be asymptomatic, with most people unaware they have it. However, continued fat buildup ...
Bile duct inflammation and scarring, known as cholangiopathies, can disrupt bile flow, leading to liver damage and ...
Medically reviewed by Jay N. Yepuri, MD Metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH) is an advanced form of ...
AI-powered models can analyze large datasets in real-time, optimizing organ distribution across wider geographic regions.
A 2-year-old Filipino boy, who was in critical condition due to repeated digestive tract bleeding, was saved after doctors at ...
To produce liver cirrhosis, 1% DMN dissolved in saline was given intraperitoneally at 1 ml per kg body weight for 3 consecutive days per week for 4–6 weeks as described 12. The expression vector ...
Insulin resistance, a correlate of diabetes, may influence liver function and the production of bile, and thereby possibly influence gallbladder cancer development. 4. Age and gender: Gallbladder ...
Liver-related events among participants with baseline cirrhosis (F4) During a median follow-up of 16.2 months ... Spain and Department of Visceral Surgery and Medicine, Bern University, Bern, ...
Primary liver cells from both genotypes of mice were isolated for in vitro experiments. Results TREM-2 was expressed on non-parenchymal hepatic cells and induced during liver injury ... and patients ...
Alcohol consumption is traditionally associated with liver cirrhosis and liver cancer ... Thyroid & Parathyroid Surgery at Medanta, Gurugram, highlights, "One of the most overlooked risks is ...