Some closures from January 31 to February 2 on the M25, A12 and Dartford Crossing may affect some Essex drivers this weekend.
Landlords are selling up or hiking rent charged to councils by up to £600 a month on vital properties used to provide emergency accommodation.
Drivers using the A282 should prepare for overnight closures this weekend as essential tunnel maintenance takes place.
THE UK government is planning to build a huge, motorway-style tunnel in a project that would cost some £9 billion. To be ...
Vandals have been captured on CCTV throwing rocks at fish swimming in a pond and hurling foliage into the water.
EXCLUSIVE: A road between Kent and Essex estimated to cost £9billion could cut journey times by up to 46% and inject £4bn ...
The London Resort, which was first proposed in 2012 and dubbed 'UK Disneyland', would have been three times bigger than any ...
Motorists using the Dartford Crossing should prepare for overnight closures this week as essential tunnel works take place.
The Lower Thames Crossing has been endorsed by Chancellor Rachel Reeves as the controversial project connecting Kent and ...
There are long delays approaching the Dartford Tunnel following a crash. Highways England said the A282 northbound Dartford West Tunnel was closed, with traffic being diverted through the East tunnel.
London Resort, first proposed in 2012, promised six roller coasters, themed fantasy areas and even a giant fairytale castle ...