Several factors can lead to skin puffiness including a high-sodium diet An expert explains the link and shares effective tips ...
For anyone who consumes alcohol, understanding these five serious liver conditions is crucial before the damage becomes ...
Discover the causes behind fatty liver disease, a condition affecting 25% of adults worldwide, and learn simple lifestyle ...
Otherwise, it would lead to diseases like acute (sudden) hepatitis (inflammation), chronic (long duration) hepatitis, fatty ...
The problem of fatty liver can be cured to a great extent by changing diet and lifestyle. Liver health starts improving with ...
The liver is essential for digestion, metabolism, detoxification, and fluid regulation. While alcohol abuse is a known cause ...
NAFLD has several common symptoms, three of which appear on the skin. These include jaundice, where the skin and eyes turn yellow, your skin becoming itchy, and skin bruising easily.
Broaden inclusion in research and guidelines. Regulatory agencies and funding bodies should require adequate representation ...
Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts could benefit those with fatty liver disease.
Unexpectedly, the study found that lean patients with NAFLD had a higher risk of developing heart disease than non-lean ...
The liver is a vital organ responsible for detoxifying toxins. Certain foods can 'clean out your liver' and reduce your risk of fatty liver disease.
In more severe cases, fatty liver may lead to liver inflammation, causing symptoms like jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), swelling in the legs and abdomen, and easy bruising. Some people ...