One of the big shifts the game industry has seen over the past decade is that many Japanese developers are now fully ...
Inspired by Command and Conquer and Company of Heroes, the seriously nasty RTS games Warfare 1917 and Warfare 1944 are finally back.
The pre-registration window is officially open on PC, iOS, and Android for Mecharashi, a free-to-play tactical RPG that puts ...
Reported to have amassed over 7,000 players, a free-to-play web3 game named PirateFi launched on Steam last week and was subsequently taken down for containing "malicious files". Users reportedly ...
Across many games of Roblox there are codes that can be redeemed to get you a jump start at growing your character or furthering your progress! We've been compiling these for many different games, and ...
Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed. Find your next game ...