An odd incident happened at the March 6 meeting of the Mill Valley School District Board of Trustees. Check out the session’s video on the MVSD’s YouTube channel at The spectacle ...
Peaceful Village’s physical documents were stored in a giant Rubbermaid tub with virtually no rhyme or reason to how they ...
We have some good things we want to give to the community,” Spacek said. “Not just for kids in the school system, but every kid in the community, and every parent and family who wants to have support ...
SAMHA has been a great resource to the Southern Aroostook hockey community. On Thursday night the board held their monthly ...
After announcing its decision to make financial cuts, the Martins Ferry Board of Education voted on its first round of RIF (Reduction in Force) cuts Thursday ni ...
When newly elected Bartlett School Board member Jay Calabro presented a warrant article at the March 4 annual school district ...
Update: Washington Union Elementary School in Salinas will remain open after parents strongly opposed a proposal to ...
This is not a decision that we take lightly, and it underscores the difficult financial realities,” CHCCS Superintendent Nyah ...
The truancy court was established in Appleton high schools in 2009 and expanded into middle schools in 2013. The intent was ...
It was a busy night for the Montgomery Area School District as they voted to fill a vacant seat, approved a new varsity head football coach and tackled several other items at their monthly meeting ...
The West Virginia First Foundation was in Parkersburg Thursday to see the potential impacts of a grant they awarded to the ...
Western Wayne School Board meeting sees parents and administrators expressing concerns and demands for action regarding ...