For acute low back pain, there is moderate-certainty evidence that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are an effective treatment.
These two ways to sleep can improve an achey low back overnight. Plus, the worst sleeping position for back pain, according ...
In a new study, just one in 10 treatments were effective for non-specific low back pain. Experts explain the finding and ...
In chronic low back pain, botulinum neurotoxin type A improved patients' pain and functional outcomes vs placebo and other local injection therapies.
Only 1 in 10 nonsurgical treatments for low back pain are more effective placebo, a review of 56 different treatments and ...
Our ability to rotate plays a key role in sports performance but also in our daily lives. Here are two exercises to strengthen your rotation and prevent back pain.
According to a publication by the Mayo Clinic, sacroiliac pain can be difficult to diagnose for a variety of reasons. Yet, it ...