SNPs selected were arranged in the form of table alongwith the detailed information of consequence type, amino acid and nucleic acid change involved and position of codon (Table I ... caused change of ...
Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, United States Department of Biomolecular Chemistry, University of Wisconsin–Madison, Madison, Wisconsin 53706, ...
A short cut review was carried out to establish whether methionine was better than n-acetyl cysteine at reducing the severity of liver damage after paracetamol overdose. Thirty nine papers were found ...
1 Qingdao TCM Geriatrics Diagnosis and Treatment Center, Department of Geriatrics, Qingdao Hiser Hospital Affiliated of Qingdao University (Qingdao Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital), Qingdao, ...
This cover highlights the article Multimodal mechanisms of human centriole engagement and disengagement by Kei K. Ito, Shoji Hata, Daiju Kitagawa and colleagues. The cover image depicts the centriole ...
A growing number of evidences has emerged over the last decade implicating that cells organize a plethora of biochemical processes by means of biomolecular condensation, including the formation of ...
This is an important study that provides CCR7-APEX2 proximity labelling mass spectrometry data that is expected to provide new insights into CCR7 signaling partners and pathways. The study is ...
BACKGROUND: Plexiform neurofibromas represent a common neoplasia of type 1 neurofibromatosis in which neurofibromas arise from multiple nerves involving connective tissue and skin and rarely affect ...
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