Researchers have found an environmentally safer way to extract the lithium 6 needed to create fuel for nuclear fusion ...
Enriched Lithium is a critical ingredient in fusion reactors. Making it is a toxic nightmare, but scientists may have found a ...
A Knoxville-based fusion powerhouse says it's solved the fundamental science of harnessing the sun's power to produce electricity.
"We are able to make miniature stars, 'cause fusion is the same reaction that powers the Sun and stars," said Tammy ... and reliability of the nation's nuclear stockpile. "Every time we do a ...
Fusion has long been the propulsion end-goal for interplanetary travel, and a U.K.-based company thinks on its way to ...
Nuclear fusion reactors, often referred to as artificial sun, rely on maintaining a high-temperature plasma environment similar to that of the sun. In this state, matter is composed of negatively ...
The Asian nation has recently stepped up its ambitions in achieving nuclear fusion, a process by which the sun and other stars generate energy and that is considered a near-infinite form of clean ...
They have been able to successfully predict some things, like the sun’s current brightness and how many neutrinos nuclear fusion in the sun’s core produces every second. The models have also ...
Mr Green questioned why nuclear fusion was being put up as a possible energy source now. “We need to get serious about the small risk of catastrophic accidents,” he said. The Caesium-137 ...
Nuclear fusion famously has the potential to alter the energy landscape completely. The method produces power using the same method as the Sun and the stars. Fusion occurs when two atoms slam ...