As election day approaches, it’s essential to revisit the fundamentals of our government, principles we learned in our civics ...
What happened lately in France is an example. In 1848 a pure Democracy was established there. During a short time there was reason to expect a general spoliation, a national bankruptcy ...
This is consistent with a view that goes back to ancient Greece, that democracy — like all pure forms of government — contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction. Namely ...
Two years after the 1976 Buckley decision, the Republicans on the Supreme Court struck again, this time adding that the ...
Madison and friends improved the “pure” democracy of ancient times in two ways. First, they created a representative system in which elected officials controlled state functionaries.
Headlines such as, Democracy is at risk, Democracy in crisis, The risks facing Democracy, and Democracy is hanging by a ...
I have long criticized the apocalyptic, democracy-ending predictions of Biden, Harris and others as ignoring the safeguards ...
In contrast to the archaic Electoral College system, democratic opponents idealize a pure democracy that elects the president by a national popular vote. This invites the question: Is election by ...
But most delegates feared pure democracy, considering it as “mobocracy.” Some wanted to exclude the people from any direct role in government, believing that they were lacking in virtue ...
If we were to use the popular vote, the most populous states — New York, California, Texas and Florida, along with maybe ...
But most delegates feared pure democracy, considering it as “mobocracy.” Some wanted to exclude the people from any direct ...