Stargazing, once the domain of romantic Bollywood dream sequences is now rapidly gaining traction as a unique experience in India. With the nation’s dark skies ...
A planet swings in front of its star, dimming the starlight we see. Events like these, called transits, provide us with ...
R esearchers looking for objects in the Kuiper Belt – the donut-shaped region beyond the orbit of Neptune containing icy ...
In science fiction, lasers are predominantly used as powerful weapons. While some countries have investigated the idea of ...
Now, however, Pluto and that part of the solar system has moved away from the backdrop of the Milky Way into a sparser region of the night sky. With its Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), Subaru has discovered ...
Astronomers have observed three types of black holes in the universe. Stellar-mass black holes formed from the collapse of a ...
"Primordial black holes do not live in the solar system. Rather, they're streaming through the universe, doing their own thing," said researcher Sarah Geller.
The universe might be teeming with microscopic black holes the size of an atom but with the mass of a city-sized asteroid, scientists say.
New simulations suggest that there are enough primordial black holes—potential dark matter candidates—in the universe for one ...
A passing star may have kicked the weird moons of giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn into place, new research suggests.
Flybys of primordial black holes may occur once a decade. Tweaks to the orbits of planets and GPS satellites could give away their presence.
White dwarfs are born when stars with masses around that of the sun exhaust the hydrogen in their cores. In around 5 billion years, the sun will undergo this process, leaving a smoldering cosmic ember ...