Avengers Assemble is created by writer Steve Orlando, penciled by José Luis Soares Pinto, inked by Oren Junior, colored by ...
Brave New World and Thunderbolts* are set to lead directly into Avengers: Doomsday and these new stills showcase Captain ...
Last year, there were reports that Marvel Studios had abandoned plans for their Young Avengers team-up movie. Instead, the ...
We have some additional details on the long-rumoured Hulk vs. Wolverine movie, including how it may factor into the upcoming ...
After years of speculation, Marvel is supposedly ready to recast T'Challa in time for Black Panther to appear in Avengers: ...
Doomsday promises surprises with the inclusion of the Fantastic Four and the intriguing Council of Reeds, expanding the MCU ...
Marvel fans are sharing the love for an underrated MCU villain: Helmut Zemo, played by Daniel Brühl.
Over the years, a  Hulk vs. Wolverine  movie has been talked about among fans without much real substance or solid facts to ...
Most big changes in superhero comics are never permanent. But there have been a handful that have stuck around for the long ...
I was surprised to learn that Marvel counts Venom as an official member of the Avengers – and not any one host, but the symbiote itself. Over the years, Marvel has introduced dozens of different teams ...
The first issue of New Champions reveals how Marvel's new team of super teens add sidekicks like Spider-Boy, Amaranth, and Hulkette.
The Spider-Man spinoff universe is done, and while that’s not exactly breaking news anymore, it’s still a topic up for debate. People were hoping that Peter Parker would eventually meet Madame Web, ...