Feesdirekteur Michael Garbett het tydens die amptelike bekendstelling beklemtoon dat die fees reeds vir ’n kwarteeu ’n ...
Wat is aalwurms?Aalwurms is een van die mees algemene lewende organismes op aarde, maar omdat hulle mikroskopies klein is, ...
Die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) het by navraag gesê hy is besig met die herorganisering van sy sakeskool.
Pandor was die gasspreker by Menseregtedagvieringe by die Sol Plaatje Universiteit in Kimberley. Pandor sê Suid-Afrika is in staat om sy eie sake te hanteer sónder die inmenging van die VSA ... by ...
The Gun Van in GTA Online is your one-stop shop for some of the best weapons in the game — but to get them, you’ll need to know where it’s located, as it moves around on a daily basis.
The Faculty of Medicine of Utrecht University and the UMC Utrecht work together in the field of medical education, biomedical education and research. The various tasks are carried out in the UMC ...
The members of the Department of History and Art History use their knowledge of the past to better understand the challenges facing today's society. The future of Europe, the threat of terrorism, ...