Prime lamb producer John Jeffreys admits the climatic variables of farming in the Snowy-Monaro region of southern NSW is one of the challenges he enjoys about the job.
Fifty per cent of Kevin and Mandy Dean's new heifers are retained each year in an attempt to keep the age of the average breeding herd at a productive level.
Cattle buyers are banking on rainfall between now and the 85 th annual Mountain Calf Sales in March, with many prospective purchasers reporting some of the driest seasonal conditions they have ...
Be among those who shape the future with knowledge. Uncover exclusive stories that captivate your mind and heart with our FREE 14-day subscription trial. Dive into a world of inspiration, learning, ...
Port of Echuca had its 20,000th visitor(s) in January 1975, a holidaying family from Donvale. Pictured is port director Mr Ian Blyth (right) presenting the milestone visitors with a bottle of ...
Weaner cattle prices for Angus and Hereford steers have passed 400 cents a kilogram at Bairnsdale's feature store sale, with cattle set to head interstate to as far as Dalby in southern Queensland.
Wayde has over five years professional writing and editing experience and has served as the Editor-in-Chief and/or lead for several top tier web-development teams. He's also highly proficient at ...