Syria’s new interim president pledged on Tuesday to ensure the state has a monopoly on weapons at a national dialogue ...
British energy giant BP signed an agreement with the Iraqi government on Tuesday to rehabilitate four oil and gas fields in ...
With momentum on its side, Turkey is making a big diplomatic push in Iraq. That puts it on a potential collision course with ...
US President Donald Trump pressured Iraq to fully resume Kurdish crude oil exports. The Kirkuk-to-Ceyhan pipeline – which has ...
Last year, the Axis rapidly slid from the seeming height of its power into terminal decline. Israel battered two key members, ...
Syria's new interim president pledged on Tuesday to ensure the state has a monopoly on weapons at a national dialogue ...
Syrians in the northern city of Manbij report extensive strikes from occupying PKK/YPG terrorists, and lament being targeted ...
The Iraqi Ministry of Planning on Monday announced the final results of the country's first census in nearly 40 years, ...
The Iraqi Minister of Oil expressed optimism that oil exports from the Kurdistan region of Iraq could resume within the next two days.
Iraqi officials have called the population count a milestone and said it will provide essential data for future planning and ...
The census included detailed information on living conditions across Iraq and in the semi-autonomous Kurdish region.