"Landman" is a drama series created by Taylor Sheridan, known for works like "Yellowstone" and "1883." The show premiered on Paramount+ on November 17, 2024, with a 10-episode first season. The series ...
“Landman” is co-created and executive produced by Sheridan and Christian Wallace, who wrote and hosted the Texas Monthly’s ...
Tommy Norton’s oil-soaked adventures look like they’re only beginning. Will there be a second season of ’Landman’?
During the season finale, Andy Garcia made a cameo appearance which could turn into a regular role if Season 2 is confirmed.
The 53-year-old actor's sister had some words for him after she tuned in to Sunday's finale episode and discovered Monty's ...
Fans were uncertain about Monty Miller’s fate after the finale of Landman. Played by Jon Hamm, Monty was one of the major characters in the show and therefore, even after the finale showed him on his ...
The actor speaks with The Hollywood Reporter about his oil tycoon's ending, the viral Jerry Jones scene and lessons learned ...
Is Landman renewed for season 2? Here's what to know about the Taylor Sheridan show based on the Boomtown podcast, including ...
Billy Bob Thornton recently opened up about two memorable scenes from the Paramount+ show's final two episodes.
"Landman" star Jon Hamm discusses his oil billionaire Monty Miller's fate in Sunday's finale, and what's next. "He was very ...
In Sunday’s episode, oil tycoon Monty Miller (Jon Hamm) is lying in bed at a Fort Worth hospital after having another heart attack. Seated next to Miller’s bed, Jones, 82, delivers a heartfelt ...
The Cowboys owner visited Hamm's character, Monty Miller, in the hospital after Miller suffers a heart attack. Jones delivered a speech that outlined to Miller and Tommy Norris (Thornton's ...